Living With Pancreatic Cancer
Many people think of cancer as something that you either beat or die from. The reality is more complicated than this. If you have pancreatic cancer, like Steve Jobs, you can live with it for years. If you have a different kind of cancer, like my wife and I do, then surgery and chemotherapy are part of your everyday life until they’re no longer effective and then you die.
Just In....
What is MDS and What’s The Survival Rate?
We can already become concerned at the mere suggestion of a disease, let alone if we are told we have a serious illness like MDS.
What’s the Difference Between HPV and Herpes?
There are many types of sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and it can be difficult to keep them all straight. Two of the most common STIs
What Triggers Narcolepsy in Adults?
Most adults with Narcolepsy have low levels of the neurotransmitter hypocretin (also called orexin), which regulates wakefulness and REM sleep. The cause of this deficiency
What is the Difference Between Cluster Headaches and Migraine?
There are a few key differences between cluster headaches and migraines. Cluster headaches are far rarer, affecting only about 1 in 1,000 people. They’re also
What is Evaporative Dry Eye and Its Symptoms
If you’ve ever experienced a burning, itchy sensation in your eyes, you may be familiar with the term “dry eye.” But what exactly is dry